Monday, January 27, 2014

new year, new goals

As we ease into the beginning of February (can you believe it's almost here?!), I have found myself determined to re-commit myself to the goals I have set for 2014.  There are so many things I want to improve and/or learn this year, but it is easy to become overwhelmed by ambition. And so, I have decided to write a few of the things I am most anxious to achieve in this next year as well as some of the things which I am currently inspired by.  Here is to a wonderful 2014!


Oh dear, there are so many things that I want to improve in this category!  For my sanity, however, (and that of my husband's) I will try to pick a manageable few.

1. Photography:  Over the past year I have developed a love for photography!  As someone whose family almost never had a camera out,(Mom, I know you tried) , it is actually quite funny how much I enjoy taking out my DSLR and snapping random family moments.  But my goal for this year is to keep improving!  I don't know if I will ever seek out a profession in photography, but for now I am loving it as a hobby!

2. Education:  As someone who recently graduated, I have found myself in a serious academic slump. And while this may be only in my imagination, I feel like I need to take a more active role in seeking out new opportunities to learn.  I never want to become complacent in my understanding of this complex world we live in and am determined to "start afresh" in the words of Maria Lucas (for all you Pride and Prejudice lovers out there).

3. Fitness:  For those of you who know me, you know that both Stephen and I love a good workout.  We are generally healthy eaters and try to eat as many fruits and veggies as we can manage. However, I would like to push myself this year to work out in new ways.  Over Christmas Break I went to an awesome boxing class with my sister-in-law (thanks megs) and had a blast!  It was much harder than I expected it to be, but I LOVED how tired I was afterwards.  I want to take a step away from my typical treadmill/elliptical workout and experiment with new ways to keep my body in shape!

4.Travel:  Maybe it's the various bloggers I follow who all seem to be whisked away on a monthly basis to some exotic location, or maybe it's my just my Pinterest account, but Stephen and I have been discussing the need to travel this year.  We love exploring new places, and as a young couple without kids we know that now is probably the easiest to make that happen.  Ideally, we would be able to drop everything tomorrow and run-off to some remote local in Europe or South America, but unfortunately we both have jobs and plane tickets cost money (lame, amiright?).  But I am hopeful that with some planning we can make an international trip happen (maybe not this year, but definitely in the next).  So here is to buckling down and saving!

While these goals may seem trivial, (I'll admit that improving my photography skills may not lead to a life changing moment....but you never know) they are things that I am excited to work on!  I truly believe the most important part of making a resolution is to ensure your goals are attainable and that you will have fun along the way!  With that in mind, here is to stepping outside of my  our comfort zones and experiencing this incredibly inspiring world we get to call home.

Some Quotes and Images I am LOVING (please note that these are NOT my images)

How delicious do these look?! 
This photo was done by Bakers Royal, and I am just in love with it.  For anyone looking for an awesome food blog to follow, she is it! Where else do you get such beautiful photos and such tasty food?!

Some days I think I need this written on my forehead.  It is amazing how frequently I stop myself from progressing due to fear or uncertainty.  It's so important to remember that our potential is so much greater than we realize!  The only opinion that matters is our own.
Some serious travel inspo.  I am dying to go to Italy!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winter Break

Hey guys! As I said in my last post, Step and I spent Winter Break in Utah this year.  And man, was it fun!  Here are some of my favorite memories from the trip! A special thanks to my in-laws for planning such fun activities while we were there! We love you guys!

One of the first things we did as a family was have dinner at The Roof, which is on the top floor of the Joseph Smith building in SLC.  It has an INCREDIBLE view of the SLC Temple AND the Capitol Building and I absolutely loved eating there.
My handsome, handsome, husband!
My precious niece Ellie!
How cute is my sister-in-law and her new baby?!

My gorgeous Mother-in-law!

Brittany and little Ellie!


Over our break, we got to participate in our new nephew Eli's baby blessing!  How handsome is this little guy?!

The cutest 4 year old I know!
Silly girlies!

Thanks Megan for this photo!
Grandma Betty!

Stephen's twin Daniel, and his girlfriend Jane!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Winter Wedding

For Winter Break, Stephen and I had the chance to jet off to SLC for a few weeks! We skied, ate delicious food, saw a few amazing movies, and spent time with some of our favorite people in the world. On our first day in Salt Lake, I had the opportunity to act as a "second-shooter" to my sister-in-law Megan Turley for a beautiful winter wedding.  I'll be honest, I am not pro but I loved being able to pretend for a day.  Here are some of the shots I was able to get!  (For even better photos, check out Megan's blog, link above)